is live in Turku for Fight Night Finland (FNF) 14 in Turku at the Kupittaan Urheiluhalli. Get your live updates and results here, followed by pictures and videos.

Jussi Lehto Eura Fight Brothers vs Antti Teräs Sankukai – 77.1 kg
Round 1 – Teräs starts with whipping low kicks in the beginning. Lehto answers fire with punches. Both fighters putting everything behind their punches, and suddenly Lehto drops Teräs with a solid straight right hand. Lehto advances quickly to choke his opponent and gets the finishes with anaconda choke in first round 2:15.
Winner: Lehto R1 Anaconda choke
Matti Hirvonen (Finnfighters’ Gym) vs Jami Kuparinen (FGFC) – 77.1kg
Kuparinen’s walk out music is AC/DC – Back in Black. You can see the excitement in his face, as Kuparinen tosses the sweat band to the ground and walks past the crowd. This just got real!
Hirvonen, the home crowd favourite walks into the cage wearing his signature walkout shirt. Hirvonen is followed by Teemu Packalén’s coach Harri Niva. Let’s get it on!
Round 1 – Hirvonen pushes Kuparinen against the cage. Gets the take down, punishes from top (behind Kuparinen), goes for the back. Hirvonen gets the back and quickly also the RNC. This fight is over.
Winner: Hirvonen R1 RNC
Juuso Toivonen (Turun urheilijat) vs Aleksi Virta (Sankukai) – +93 kg
Round 1 – Round starts off with a huge brawl, neither fighter landing much. Virta pushes Toivonen against the cage, but Toivonen breaks free quickly. Toivonen lands a strong stop kick to the body, but Virta seems okay. Towards the end of the round it was clear that both fighters started to show respect towards the punching power of their opponent.
Round 2 – Toivonen seems to be looking for knock out punches mainly in the start of the second round, Virta relying more on combos. Crowd is loudly chanting for “Juuso!” Virta reacts to that by landing a spinning back fist. Fatigue starts to kick in late in the round, Virta attempts a take down, but Toivonen sprawls well and ends up in top position! Toivonen’s ground and pound is too much, the giant takes the win just before the second round ends.
Winner: Toivonen R2 TKO 2:58
Tomi Sormunen (Finnfighters’ Gym) vs Lari Lindeman (Revolution Fight) – 77.1 kg
This bout was cancelled due to illness.
Toni Lampinen (MMA Rauma) 1-1-0 vs Janne Sinersaari 1-0-0 (Team East Front) – 70.3kg
Round 1 – First straight landed by Sinersaari. He goes for a take down, and enters side control quickly. Into half guard, but up soon. Sinersaari gets another take down, in the side again, advances to mount and starts striking from mount. Short elbows from the top, but Lampinen clinching as much as he can.
Lampinen manages to get up, but is soon knee’d by Sinersaari to the groin. Referee calls time but only for a short moment. Sinersaari shoots, Lampinen sprawls well and gets the top position this time. Sinersaari gets a cut from Lampinen’s elbows and furthermore a lot of punishment from top position is delivered by Lampinen in the end of round 1.
Round 2 – Sinersaari shoots for a double leg in the start, but pulls guard in mid-shoot. Lampinen now in his half guard. Sinersaari threatening with knee bar constantly. Thus far, no success. Lampinen gets to mount position, drops some elbows while Sinersaari trying to do his best to remove Lampinen from on top of him. Lampinen again dropping very big elbows, and another cut opens to Sinersaari’s hair line. Sinersaari’s face fully covered in his own blood.
Very dominant round from Lampinen. As the round ends it looks as if Sinersaari is signalling his corner that he cannot advance to the third round.
The fight is stopped.
Winner: Lampinen R2 TKO
Markus Rytöhonka 2-2-1 (Primus Fight Team) vs Ville Kyllönen 0-0-0 (WFC Warriors) – 65,8 kg
Round 1 – Rytöhonka immediately catches Kyllönen with a hard straight right. Pushes Kyllönen against the cage and jumps on his back while standing. Kyllönen defends well, but after getting to the centre of the cage Rytöhonka again delivers good strikes to Kyllönen’s jaw. Kyllönen slips a couple of Rytöhonka’s uppercuts. Rytöhonka lands a massive body kick, but immediately after Kyllönen gets a judo take down. Mount, takes the back, hammerfists from the back, but Rytöhonka somehow manages to get Kyllönen off him and top of Kyllönen.
Rytöhonka now in the mount. Kyllönen jumps up, Rytöhonka lands a KO punch from the clinch and his fans literally go nuts. Kyllönen looks very disappointed, and more importantly, he seems ok after taking that huge punch.
Winner: Rytöhonka KO R1
Minna Grusander 2-1-0 (Finnfighters’ Gym) vs Tiia Kohtamäki 0-0-0 (Primus Fight Team) – 50 kg
Round 1 – Grusander takes the centre. Kohtamäki lands a jab. Grusander starts with low leg kicks. Grusander pushes Kohtamäki against the cage, she returns with elbows from the clinch. Grusander still pushing against the cage, but referee resets the fight. Both fighters land punches when they separate from another clinch. Grusander dominating the centre of the cage. Grusander forces a take down from clinch, Kohtamäki threatens with a guillotine.
Grusander in the half guard, passes it to mount. Vicious ground and pound from Grusander, Kohtamäki turns her back to Grusander and the round ends. Strong round for Grusander.
Round 2 – Kohtamäki starting strong with punches in the beginning of the round. Grusander hits her with a solid kick to the body. Kohtamäki not allowing Grusander to dictate the pace anymore. Grusander lands with both hands as Kohtamäki is pushing forward. Now both fighters landing with straight punches.
Grusander starting to take the control of the cage again. Again both fighters landed strong straights. Grusander now working on low leg kicks, Kohtamäki pumping the jab. Grusander starting to find a home for her punch combos towards the end of the second round.
Round 3 – Again Kohtamäki starts the round with landing a strong straight right. The stand up seems very even now. Grusander shoots for a single leg take down, Kohtamäki defends well but ends up her back against the cage. Grusander now seeking for a double leg, but switches for a single leg take down and gets it. Grusander in Kohtamäki’s half guard, dropping a couple of elbows and takes the back. One hook in, hand on the neck of Kohtamäki, dropping elbows again. Kohtamäki flat on the ground, and Grusander forces the referee to stop the fight with her flurry of punches and elbows.
Winner: Grusander R3 TKO
Marcus Peltonen 3-7-0 (Pankration Gym Hamina) vs Jyri Mikkilä 1-2-0 (Sports academy nro1) – 75 kg
Round 1 – Mikkilä fires off the 1st round with explosive kicks, but they miss the target. Mikkilä shoots for a take down, but Peltonen gets a deep guillotine choke in. Not deep enough though, and Peltonen switches for butterfly guard. Mikkilä gets to side position, hits Peltonen with elbows. Around ten short elbows from top position. Mikkilä seems happy with the side control and does not even attempt to move into mount. Peltonen tries creating room by moving from under Mikkilä, but Mikkilä notices this and gets the back of Peltonen.
Mikkilä moves to the half guard of Peltonen, tries to flatten his opponent but quickly moves onto elbowing Peltonen’s ribs. Fighters soon stand up, and Mikkilä catches Peltonen’s jaw with a high kick. The round ends.
Round 2 – Mikkilä again lands a high kick to Peltonen’s jaw. Peltonen pulls guard quickly. Mikkilä’s elbows are making it a very long night for Peltonen if it continues like this. Soon referee resets the fight. A quick scramble, but Mikkilä is in the top position again. Peltonen trips Mikkilä with a classic BJJ move, but Mikkilä on top immediately again. Suddenly it looks like Peltonen is unable to continue due to the bleeding caused by the cut on the side of his nose. Confirmed, the fight is stopped.
Winner: Mikkilä TKO R2
Patrik Pietilä 7-4-0 (Lahden Gentai / Primus Fight Team) vs Ville Yrjölä 7-2-0 (Porin Kamppailu-urheilukeskus) – 70.3 kg
Round 1 – Both fighters looking very relaxed in the start of the round. Strong wrestling in the stand up, and Yrjölä gets the take down. Yrjölä punishing with knees from side position, and Pietilä stands up quickly. Now Yrjölä with his back against the cage. Yrjölä attempts a strong over hand right, but it is too slow in order to reach Pietilä’s chin. Yrjölä lands a couple of very strong inside leg kicks. Yrjölä gets a single leg take down, but Pietilä stands up right away.
Pietilä now with the take down. Half guard, damaging Yrjölä with his right hooks. Both fighters up again. In the end of the round Yrjölä gets a single leg take down and some punches through as well. Looks as if Yrjölä is bleeding from the scalp.
Round 2 – Yrjölä shoots, single leg take down is now reality for Pietilä as he is laying on his back. Pietilä attempts to stand up, but Yrjölä has a tight guillotine and stuffs it. Now Pietilä on top, in Yrjölä’s open guard. Suddenly gets the back, rains down punches to the temple of Yrjölä and eventually gets to half guard / side control hybrid. Back to open guard. Pietilä punching, but Yrjölä nearly lands an upkick. Pietilä gets the back again, and delivers damage to Yrjölä. Yrjölä looks exhausted. Again Pietilä in Yrjölä’s half guard. Referee stands the fighters up due to lack of activity. One more take down to Pietilä to seal the second round.
Round 3 – Fighters hugging each other to start the last round. Yrjölä attempts a single leg, but Pietilä sprawls effectively. Pietilä clearly in better shape in the last round. Yrjölä against the cage, Pietilä’s knees hitting Yrjölä’s body. Jani Salmi Support Crew chanting for Pietilä accompanied with the drum beating.
Yrjölä’s tank is empty. Pietilä gets another take down, gets the back control and looks like Pietilä is setting up a kimura. Yrjölä disagrees with this, and referee resets the fight. Less than two minutes left in the last round now. Pietilä on top position again, Yrjölä holding on to Pietilä’s neck. Pietilä hammering Yrjölä now from side control. Whoa, suplex city to end this fight! Pietilä slams his exhausted opponent and the time runs out. This fight is over.
Winner: Pietilä by unanimous decision
Jani Salmi 9-2-0 (Primus Fight Team) vs Sergei Grecicho 22-9-1 (The Knight of Plunge) – 70.3 kg
Round 1 – Salmi gets a take down in the start of the match after ducking Grecicho’s hook. Grecicho advances on top of him, very tight guillotine choke of Salmi now. Salmi defends it, Salmi on top again, but Grecicho still holding on to that tight choke. Salmi shakes it off and in the guard now.
Salmi trying to pass the guard, gets to half guard. Grecicho closes to full guard. Referee makes the fighters stand up very soon. Salmi controls the centre of the cage. Grecicho attempting some left hooks, but Salmi avoids them well. Salmi kicks twice in the front leg of Grecicho, Grecicho manages a take down quickly, but Salmi sweeps him. A lot of action! Salmi on top now, in the guard of Grecicho. Salmi ends the round with a couple of punches from top, Grecicho defends them well. No big damage taken.
Round 2 – Grecicho lands a body kick right off the bat. Salmi soon lands one of his own. Grecicho shoots for a take down, Salmi stuffs it. Salmi on top, in Grecicho’s guard. Grecicho controlling Salmi’s hands well. Now in half guard. Salmi advances finally to side control, but Grecicho attacks the neck like a cobra! It’s all over. Huge upset for the home crowd.
Winner: Grecicho in R2 by brabo choke
Juho Valamaa 13-4-0 (Primus Fight Team / Finnfighters’ Gym) vs Anton Radko 6-0-0 Ukraine – 77.1 kg
Round 1 – Radko starts off with a spinning kick, does not land. Radko goes for take down, open guard. Valamaa seeking constantly for a sweep and attacks the leg as Radko stands up. Valamaa suddenly gets side control of Radko. Valamaa dropping short elbows, Radko trying to escape. Valamaa takes the back, gets body triangle, distracting with punches… attacks the neck… IT IS ALL OVER! Valamaa chokes Radko out and this one is over quickly. The home crowd erupts. By far the best performance of the night.
Winner: Valamaa R1 RNC
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