Emil Weber Meek made this trip back to Denmark a more successful one, shocking veteran Frodi Hansen with a first round barrage leading to stoppage. The MMA Trondheim athlete broke his arm early in his bout in May of 2012 leading to his first defeat in Denmark, but this time it was the Norwegian striking back at European MMA 4 “Fight Time in Viborg” tonight.

Meek Wins
Meek Wins


The welterweight bout saw the two fighters starting slow, using their jabs to keep their distance an look for openings. Meek looked a little tentative in his return, trying to mix in some power punches without much success. Fraken looks relaxed, and waiting to counterpunch, but it never came. Meek clipped Hansen with a big punch standing, and dropped Hansen near the cage. The Norwegian immediately went to finish with punches from all angles to the downed opponent, forcing the referee to come in after 10+ unanswered punches. The bout only lasted 60 seconds.

Weber Raining Down Punches
Weber Raining Down Punches

Hansen drops to 7 wins and 6 losses, and hos now lost two straight bouts. Meek goes to 2 wins and 1 loss.